一、删除本地文件 git rm/commit
1.比如,我先查看当前目录有哪些文件,然后选择删除message文件,然后再查看当前状态,我们能发现git已经把我们删除的message文件记住了,git提示我们已经在本地代码中把message文件删除了,但是没有提交到本地仓库中,也就是说如果我们不提交,git是不承认把message文件删除的!我们发现看到提示,我们要删除文件其实是要用git rm 文件名 命令才能将删除这个改动提交到待提交列表中,我们再次执行git rm message命令,这个时候我们可以看到,我们已经将改动放到了待提交列表中,提示我们提交到本地仓库中去!
aibin@XiaoAibin MINGW64 ~/Desktop/test_git (master)$ lsmessage READMEaibin@XiaoAibin MINGW64 ~/Desktop/test_git (master)$ rm messageaibin@XiaoAibin MINGW64 ~/Desktop/test_git (master)$ lsREADMEaibin@XiaoAibin MINGW64 ~/Desktop/test_git (master)$ git statusOn branch masterChanges not staged for commit: (use "git add/rm..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- ..." to discard changes in working directory) deleted: messageno changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")aibin@XiaoAibin MINGW64 ~/Desktop/test_git (master)$ git rm messagerm 'message'aibin@XiaoAibin MINGW64 ~/Desktop/test_git (master)$ git statusOn branch masterChanges to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD ..." to unstage) deleted: message
aibin@XiaoAibin MINGW64 ~/Desktop/test_git (master)$ git commit -m '删除了message文件'[master d4d2af3] 删除了message文件 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 messageaibin@XiaoAibin MINGW64 ~/Desktop/test_git (master)$ git show d4d2afcommit d4d2af303b2f512b64336a8ed6568a64a48cf9cfAuthor: kevinShawDate: Thu Oct 26 09:48:40 2017 +0800 删除了message文件diff --git a/message b/messagedeleted file mode 100644index e69de29..0000000
aibin@XiaoAibin MINGW64 ~/Desktop/test_git (master)$ touch database.ymlaibin@XiaoAibin MINGW64 ~/Desktop/test_git (master)$ git statusOn branch masterUntracked files: (use "git add..." to include in what will be committed) database.ymlnothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
3.这个时候,我们就可以创建一个.gitignore文件(注意:这个文件要和.git文件在同一个目录中),来将我们不需要纳入版本控制的文件添加到这个文件中去,git就不会再提示你了。我们再次查看git status,发现之前的database.yml文件已经不再有提示信息了,现在只有.gitignore文件的提示信息;
aibin@XiaoAibin MINGW64 ~/Desktop/test_git (master)$ vim .gitignore我们在编辑.gitignore中添加*.yml,就表示所有的以.yml结尾的文件都将不再纳入版本控制中aibin@XiaoAibin MINGW64 ~/Desktop/test_git (master)$ git statusOn branch masterUntracked files: (use "git add..." to include in what will be committed) .gitignorenothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
aibin@XiaoAibin MINGW64 ~/Desktop/test_git (master)$ git add .gitignorewarning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in .gitignore.The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.aibin@XiaoAibin MINGW64 ~/Desktop/test_git (master)$ git commit -m '忽略.yml的配置文件'[master 04c9dd8] 忽略.yml的配置文件 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) create mode 100644 .gitignore